
Friday 27 November 2020

Step it Up | Art Challenge

LI: to make a description on the art we have made.

This week we used our art from when we used "The Coloring Book" site. I chose the Kanegawa wave. The changes I made were to the sky to change the mood. In the description we had to write about the way we used colors to change the mood and how we used dark or bright colors. I wrote about how depending on the color changes the mood.

Last Tech Session | Plants

 LI: to learn about the inner workings of plants.

Today our eighth topic was about plants and plant makers. We learnt about how plants grow, what they need to grow and how they get nutrients from light, o2 (Oxygen) and Co2 (Carbon-dioxide). We went outside in groups and collected 10 leaves each. We went outside the class and searched . We then put them in our book and categorized them in size, texture, thickness, and pattern. 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Art Coloring Book

 LI: To experiment with colors.


This morning we tried one of this year’s Kick Start Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolours famous painting or images of landmarks around the world. I added blue in the sky to give it a kind of daytime mood.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Book Club

 LI: to unpack the text together

Chris, Fau, Sulia, Afatia, Azatulah, Vayan, and I were introduced to the activity, Book Club by Mrs Anderson.  Each member of the book club has a role to take each week. The 7 roles are, The Discussion Director, Connector, Summariser, Passage Picker, Word Master, Illustrator and Meeting Report. The book that we read this week was called “Bok Choy” by Paul Mason. The moral of the story was describing the differences between the chinese people compared to the englishman. This was basically unpacking how racism was around those days and how it affected others. From this story we learnt to accept one another despite who we are and how we look. Once we have completed the tasks for our roles, we report back to the group and share our thoughts and ideas. The Discussion Director’s asked questions and guided everybody to be on the right track. The Summariser, picked 20 most important words from the story, to 6, and used it to summarise the text. The Passage Picker would pick a part of the story and write why it’s important to you. The connector had to make connections to themself, to text, and to the world from the book. I enjoyed that we had different roles and tasks to do.

Monday 23 November 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance.

LI: to learn more about how Maori natives used to dance.

Today we were visited by  Bekah and five other people who came and showed us some Maori dances. Te Whanau Raukura is a group of people who preform certain dances in New Zealand. One of the places they have preformed at is the Auckland Museum. They preformed at our school and showed us he tools they used in the dances. The first one they showcased was the poi. They swung the poi in directions to go with the beat of the music. The second one they used was a te rakau, they used the te rakau in a way to sway it in different angles to go with the music. They then showed us the Taiaha, a Taiaha was used for intimidation or offense. We then learnt a little more about the group whilst learning to play a game called "Pukana". I found interesting how they used the different tools in different ways to go with the music.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Exploring our National Current Events

 LI: to identify authors purpose.

Authors write for a purpose, to either inform, entertain, or persuade. These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make desicions about which stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map. What I found interesting is that people have chosen the bird of the year and it was a kakapo.

Provocation: Should Masks be Compulsory on NZ Public Transport

 LI: to identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion.

A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that infomration to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. I think that we should make masks compulsory because we are still in a time where we find traces of Covid19: A virus that spreads easily.

Thursday 12 November 2020

The Charge of the Light Brigade

 LI: to learn about the charge of the light brigade

In groups of three we created a DLO about Crimean War, we mostly focused on "The Charge of the Light Brigade". We learnt about when the Crimean war took place, where it was fought. The war was fought in Crimea, Peninsula, Russia. The charge of the light brigade was a task force that followed out a false order that lead them to their death. We also used the poem made by Alfred Lord Tennyson to give us a visualization of what might of happened. The story made by Alfred Lord Tennyson is about how the light brigade was ambushed by Russian soldiers. I found interesting they used horses as transport.

Maths Challenge #3

 LI: to explain our strategy.

This week in maths Afatia, Lukah, Rj, Juel and I created a DLO about our challenge we did in Maths.Our maths challenges were based on our learning about weight. We solved three separate word problems and chose one to make a dlo about. We explained our strategy on how we got the answer. Our problem was to figure out the combination of animals to match the weight of an elephant. I found interesting that we used a variety of animals that are different in multiple ways.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

The Gunpowder Plot

 LI: to explain in fewer words what the text is about.

This week we learnt about the origin and story of guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes is a day where we get to send rockets off into the sky, but the origin isn't all happy. Guy Fawkes was originally a person who wanted to kill the king by using barrels of gunpowder. He was found guilty of treason and sentenced to execution. We worked in groups to learn about the origin of Guy Fawkes.