
Friday 26 March 2021

Tech Reflection | Wood Working

 LI: to learn how to create a joint. 

For this session of tech our year 8's got up to creating their joints in their wood works. This week the tools we use were the Tri-square, ruler, Saw, Bench Saw. A joint is what holds one piece of wood in place as foundation. The joint will be a piece of wood that has a square like hole in it for the other piece of wood to fill, creating a strong foundation. Some of us had finished and some have still needed time to complete the task. I found this session exciting as we got to do use actual tools.

Friday 19 March 2021

Celebrating the Summer Learning Journey

 LI: to celebrate our PBS SLJ participants.

Over the holiday's our senior students participated in a holiday learning program call the Summer Learning journey. Us as a school found the activities included in the program really interesting and we found them to be enjoyable. Other than the activities Nano girl kept us occupied with fun experiments to every Monday. To celebrate our achievements PBS held a special assembly with new guests; Mrs Grant and Mrs Paleti. They presented the certificates and the prizes for the most exceptional bloggers over the holiday period. 

Friday 12 March 2021

Wood Work | Tech

 LI: to learn how to plan/measure a wood work plan.

For our tech session this week we made our first official plan. We were given our plannings of our eight designs and we picked one. We were then given a new piece of paper, a plank of wood and a ruler. Now we have gotten all of our materials we could start with our plan, first I started with the base and the incline, then I started working up. My design I have chosen was a plane.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Reciprocal Reading

 LI : To write HOT questions.

Blurb: This week our group did reciprocal reading. The text we read was Puaki. The text was informing us about the importance and the stories behind a Ta-Moko. In the text there were four origins of four people explaining how and why they got their ta-moko. In our reciprocal reading each person of the group was assigned a role, a clarifier, A questionnaire, A predictor, a summariser and the leader. When each page was read each person would do their role (e.g: predictor predicts next page). While doing this we were tasked at creating HOT (Higher Order Thinking) Questions part of the text.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Cybersmart Tip

 LI: to give a helpful tip to people who are starting with chromebooks.

For this weeks cyber smart challenge, I was tasked at creating a DLO about a tip I could give to people who are new to learning with Chromebooks. My tip was the standard netbook hold. In this DLO I explained why you should hold your netbook properly, and how to hold your netbook. I found this task fun as I got to inform the year 4s and 5s about keeping your chromebook safe throughout in school grounds.

Maths Challenge | Distance Learning

 LI: to understand the place values of tenths, ones, hundredths, etc.

This week for our maths challenge I was challenged at writing down the largest six digit to the lowest six digit number. In this challenge the task at hand was figuring out the six digit number based a pon the clues given throughout the DLO. In between them were questions such as: Write down the largest six digit number with a two in the tenths place. I found this challenge interesting as I got to think harder about the number I was going to write down. 

Monday 1 March 2021

Virtual Adventure | Distance Learning

 LI: To plan a virtual trip around the world


Our challenge was to create a map using google/mymaps and drop pins on the locations visited. The next part of this challenge was to find the capital city of each place and include it in the information in the pin. I found it quite hard to find countries I want to go to because I don't have many places I would want to go. I enjoyed finding out the capitals of the different countries I picked.

Cultural Art | Distance Learning

 LI: To create a piece of cultural art.

Inspired by art creations by Raku Inoue we went outside and collected leaves, twigs, and other plant debris to create our own cultural pattern or symbol. I found it hard to find a variety of leaves i could pick from because all of the plant life at my house looks the same. I enjoyed how I got to show my creativity through leaves and twigs. An interesting fact I found out about Raku Inoue is that he used to have a profession in polymer clay sculpting. The name of my cultural art is Family Flower, the meaning behind the art is that each pedal is a member of my family and the stem is foundation of my family.