
Sunday 5 April 2020

Vector Wero

LI to learn about the amazing places NZ has to offer.
For one of my home blogging challenges I did some activities on a place called Vector Wero, Vector Wero is a place where people can simulate rafting as if they were in the wild on a raft in a river. For my first activity I created a DLO showing the rules at Vector Wero and why they wear safety equipment. For my second activity I made a DLO about the total price of all of the ticket prices at Vector Wero.

1 comment:

  1. Ki Ora Lukah
    "Wow" That a really cool DLO. It is really nice that you have gave credits to the people you made that activity well we at home. I like how u took screen shots about the rules at Vector Wero.

    Maybe next time you should write a bit more about your video on your blurb so we the readers can understand what your video is about.

    Did you need to use tools for this activty?

    Great Job Lukah!
