
Thursday 20 December 2018

The Secretive Skink

LI: to learn about wild life.
For this activity I had to list three good things and three bad things about working as a DOC (Department of Conversation) ranger. DOC rangers protect the wild life, they protect plants and animals. According to them they say that the least common animal in New Zealand only lives on two islands. Good things: You can see how amazing animals because on how they live, Its great to see animals in action and they might do something for you, who knows? Bad things: You have to look after them a LOT, you have to go to work with the smell of poo everywhere and animals can get annoying when you get on their bad side. I learned by knowing what a DOC ranger is.

1 comment:

  1. Morena Lukah

    I have just been reading through your Summer Learning Journey blog posts. You have made such a great start and all your work is really fun to read!

    You have provided some very thoughtful reasons as to why you would and wouldn’t want to be a DOC ranger. I laughed out loud when I read that it would be bad because the smell of poo would be everywhere. You are 100% correct. I hadn’t even thought about that and I wouldn’t want to work in a place that smells like poo every day. EWWWW!!

    Do you think it is a job that you would be interested in? If you were to become a DOC Ranger what kind of training would you need?

    Have a good day,
